Welcome All!

This is the Mothership, my center, my haven where I come to pour on the inspiration...and I welcome you all here...This is what I call my Dream Board...within a blog..& all of my sister blogs/sites that are a part of it ...are here...they are my individual passions in life...though this Dream Board Blog is relatively new...years have gone into elements; experiencial learning, growth, mistakes, and how to "do" this box of digits! So follow me, & if I can't inspired you, someone I lead you to just may...Love Laney

P.E.A.C.E. Program

The P.E.A.C.E. Program and You
People Expressing Actions Constructively Everyday

This program is a 17 year intention turned tangible through real-life actions in the new year of 2010. It is an idea that incorporates helping those around us whom could use the extra help. Whether through motivation, attention, touch, food, or money, I want to achieve nothing more than the simplicity of adding positive energy to those in need.
My program is not non-for-profit organization based; rather I spend the energy it would take to do that on other donations at hand. I do and will continue to keep logs of all donations tangible/ intangible received and distributed back to the community. If needed money donated can be used to further the program’s purpose; gasoline, time, or other related expenses. As well, all programs may include volunteer guests to join in our efforts.
click here for this sister blog