Welcome All!

This is the Mothership, my center, my haven where I come to pour on the inspiration...and I welcome you all here...This is what I call my Dream Board...within a blog..& all of my sister blogs/sites that are a part of it ...are here...they are my individual passions in life...though this Dream Board Blog is relatively new...years have gone into elements; experiencial learning, growth, mistakes, and how to "do" this box of digits! So follow me, & if I can't inspired you, someone I lead you to just may...Love Laney

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Week!

Happy Mothers' Day Week I do declare...

One day doesn't do it for our affair~

With dishes, and laundry and checking on the food...

One day, surely would be too rude~

Yes, I believe there's reasoning for this...

I don't always get what's on my Christmas list~

Theses things are simple,much more simple than before...

All I want now is to hide behind the door~

With my bath, my bubbles, my terms, and my sighs...

I just want to surrender to the sweet surprise~

or go for a walk, or whatever I may do...

yes I think it's timefor more than one day or two~

Nor three, nor four Nor five, six or seven,

yes, it 'tis true...I lead to eight; it's heaven!~

I do declare,there aren't enough days in the week!

Now surely you agree with all the ways I speak~

So tonite when you go to bed.....

you will remember just what I said~

It's Mothers' Day tomorrow, no time to squabble bout what 'tis true...

and the next and next times two...so Happy Mothers' Day to you!
