Welcome All!

This is the Mothership, my center, my haven where I come to pour on the inspiration...and I welcome you all here...This is what I call my Dream Board...within a blog..& all of my sister blogs/sites that are a part of it ...are here...they are my individual passions in life...though this Dream Board Blog is relatively new...years have gone into elements; experiencial learning, growth, mistakes, and how to "do" this box of digits! So follow me, & if I can't inspired you, someone I lead you to just may...Love Laney

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just hear...

oh, the days go by so fast...oh how i wish i could slow it all down...please, God/Creator/Energy...help me to remain in focus , but at the same time, allow my heart to breathe with a clarity that I only once knew...or maybe never knew...help me to remain strong in my path to enlightenment...help me to remain..or get to quiet. period. thank you for helping me always to stay striving..that isnt the problem...but I think, sometimes, even us great organizers can overorganize and thus loose sight of what has been here all along...quiet. it has just been hiding behind all the to dos of life and tossed under the rug that needs to be cleaned...help me to see and hear the quiet. in a way I have not known. in a way that I know is. i believe. just help me hear it ...just hear.