Welcome All!

This is the Mothership, my center, my haven where I come to pour on the inspiration...and I welcome you all here...This is what I call my Dream Board...within a blog..& all of my sister blogs/sites that are a part of it ...are here...they are my individual passions in life...though this Dream Board Blog is relatively new...years have gone into elements; experiencial learning, growth, mistakes, and how to "do" this box of digits! So follow me, & if I can't inspired you, someone I lead you to just may...Love Laney

Monday, January 24, 2011

Just be...magically me!

Today i will just be magically me,
magically free, me to be free!
I will not be another or a tree,
i will be me...magically me...

Today i wont float like a balloon or a boat,
Today i wont sail like a dolphin or a whale...
yes i think i will just be fine with the face of mine...
living free...living wonderfully...

Today i will not fly like the sweet birds in the sky...
or drift like a cloud or a laugh out loud...
yes, today it is me, i must say
that i will be, so free, wonderfully!

Today i will just be magically me!
Magically free, me to be free...
i will not be another or a tree...
i will be me, magically me...Lalani

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Just "may the Force be with me"

Today, I realize that in my uphill climb through life...I am at least more than half way up...I think a bit more than that even...as well, I sense strongly that super changes are upon me...and my li'l tribe...but always, when you are digging your heels in the hardest...inevitably, the negative forces try to trip you...and that is what is upon me...I had an epihany the other day...simple, but potent at the time...I was in the middle of both the high motivational inspiration & taking it from behind by the N-FORCE..."I am a witness to something that is happening in my life".....
I will arrive at the top...I WILL...and God/Creator/Energy, please just continue to allow the FORCE be with me..the Positive-love-vibe-sock-it-to-the-NFORCE-livelifetothefullest- FORCE!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just let go...

today, i found that my cousin has died..i remember her to be pretty, blonde, and had a cutie li'l boy...i was going to call her ..had thought of her several times as of late...too little, too late...in the wake of this news...i find myself dealing with several issues within the "family" circle..if you can call it that...god/creator/energy...please help me to see the light in every day...brighter than the day before...warmer than the day before, clearer than the day before, and help me to gain more appreciation for each day that goes by...and the love I have in these days...my children..my hubby...and my family that I have yet to meet...help me not to understand what is wrong with those whom I wait patiently for...help me to let go...life is not about waiting for someone to come around...it is about spending time with those whom crave to be around...to build memories and dreams with me...time does not wait..why should I? Help me to be free of the burden of my thoughts...and release...never to look back...and just let go...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Just soar...

let me soar today...needing strength to finish up...let me soar, just soar!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just hear...

oh, the days go by so fast...oh how i wish i could slow it all down...please, God/Creator/Energy...help me to remain in focus , but at the same time, allow my heart to breathe with a clarity that I only once knew...or maybe never knew...help me to remain strong in my path to enlightenment...help me to remain..or get to quiet. period. thank you for helping me always to stay striving..that isnt the problem...but I think, sometimes, even us great organizers can overorganize and thus loose sight of what has been here all along...quiet. it has just been hiding behind all the to dos of life and tossed under the rug that needs to be cleaned...help me to see and hear the quiet. in a way I have not known. in a way that I know is. i believe. just help me hear it ...just hear.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hearts Float: Happy Mother's Day Week!

Hearts Float: Happy Mother's Day Week!

Happy Mother's Day Week!

Happy Mothers' Day Week I do declare...

One day doesn't do it for our affair~

With dishes, and laundry and checking on the food...

One day, surely would be too rude~

Yes, I believe there's reasoning for this...

I don't always get what's on my Christmas list~

Theses things are simple,much more simple than before...

All I want now is to hide behind the door~

With my bath, my bubbles, my terms, and my sighs...

I just want to surrender to the sweet surprise~

or go for a walk, or whatever I may do...

yes I think it's timefor more than one day or two~

Nor three, nor four Nor five, six or seven,

yes, it 'tis true...I lead to eight; it's heaven!~

I do declare,there aren't enough days in the week!

Now surely you agree with all the ways I speak~

So tonite when you go to bed.....

you will remember just what I said~

It's Mothers' Day tomorrow, no time to squabble bout what 'tis true...

and the next and next times two...so Happy Mothers' Day to you!
