Welcome All!

This is the Mothership, my center, my haven where I come to pour on the inspiration...and I welcome you all here...This is what I call my Dream Board...within a blog..& all of my sister blogs/sites that are a part of it ...are here...they are my individual passions in life...though this Dream Board Blog is relatively new...years have gone into elements; experiencial learning, growth, mistakes, and how to "do" this box of digits! So follow me, & if I can't inspired you, someone I lead you to just may...Love Laney

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just Clear...

oh, sleep..please come to me....God/Creator/Energy, I know I can't live on NO food...and definately not NO sleep...please help me to center my needs so that I may see clearly again..help me with these allergies..you know I love the earth and sky...but oh....these allergies..itching me, irritating me....I know...they are teaching me to be more grateful when I am clear...oh, teach me God, to see more clearly...just clear...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just flow...

Well, God/Creator/Energy, time is movin on...the seasons are still melting into one another...dishes will always be in the sink and clothes will always fill the hamper...always...so, to heck with it all, I say....make a grand adventure for the day...pack the kids up and go play... wonder around and find a space to find your newest memories...the children need more time with you than the housework does today...the dishes won't remember me and neither will the clothes...but my children will remember a gift of many moments in a day that mommy looked relaxed... peaceful... with laughter flowing from her lips...and hair dancing around her face....so today, I shall take my hair down and let it flow, just flow...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just Flowing...

Today could be such a loungy day..but I have already done some God/universal/love work...I have added music to some of the sister blogs here...and have placed some on facebook to invite others to check it out... hope they do...
today is fresh..hopeful...mindful... thank you God/creator/energy, for helping me care enough to see it...please help me to stay these things...these ways...help me to stay inspired and strong...and not let the many around me that are not in tune...knock me off my beat...I want to keep the rhythmic flow that is... and fine tune it to the finest rhythm there is...and keeping it flowing... just flowing...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just for You...

Happy 40th Anniversary for Earth Day consciousness!

Oh, Earth we love you and I must say thank you ,thank you for the sweet strawberry today... I savoured it so... a miracle, you know... And to think it grew from dirt? Your fire, water, dirt, air energy spins us all around the galaxy... all around the Universe... spinning... floating... free... Oh, tis just the thought of you... only you that melts away any mundanities that may disturb me in the moment... so this is a MOMENT from me to you... dear friend... to take and place in a special space and time and hold in my hand and lift ever so high... only for you...
just for YOU.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just Climb!

Today I can feel it...burning desire to do, to be, to climb the tree...to sit on top, I say...and feel the burn in my muscles, in my toes, in my grip, in my nails...as I climb my way up...with hopes of catching a glimpse of what is OUT THERE in IN HERE...sweat will pour from my brow if I have anything to say about it...and I do! In the end, really, isn't it all quite like taking two..ot three joyful, hard laboring hours to prepare a meal so grand...only to be eaten in a moment's time? So it all comes down to this one moment...the moment I shall sit upon the top of the TREE...and feel the warm, bath air hit my face and run down my spine...even if it's only for a moment...it will all be worth the harder climb to get there...so REACH, and reach high....grab hold with every finger, and climb...just climb!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just File...

Busy,busy, busy bee...i got my home office in order today..my prayer spilled over into the work..praying as I went..to get it done...and finally..it came to a slow...moving....stop.
I am a tired version of my normally bouncy self...always so nice to kick some paperwork bootay...I especially love to throw away stuff..old papers that I don't need...clean...wipe...file...vacuum...and file some more...oh, how I love organization...at least the act of fooling myself, anyways...I have a grand filer for my grand filing ways...slow sliding, like the doctors office...holds much...so I will continue to file those stacks away..only to go thru them when I think I can...but at least it is out of the way... and out of the sight of the anxious eyes! So fool away, my friend, my Self! Fool away....and file on, just file!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just play...

Today started out strong..relaxed...moving...but as the day got on, I felt suddenly like I had peanut butter and jelly stuck to my feet...I tried to wipe them off...wash them...nothing got it off...I picked up the kiddos from school...and then, ahha! time to play in the back yard...play, laugh, and play some more! I know the desire is there, in my heart..but what is wrong with me? ahha! I think I need some food to fill my dehydrated, malnurished brain...so that I may be sane enough to stop thinking and enjoy this grand day of adventure and play...just play!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just Move...

Not as fast moving as yesterday...Creator/God thank you for helping me with energy to do many things yesterday..and the ability to stop when it was time...thank you for the wonderful grill and chicken and the ability to make a most fabulous marinade...thank you for the family, their health, and the weather...it all came together in harmony yesterday evening...thank you, thank you..I pray that I make the strength today, to get up, WAKE up, and the simple ability to move...just move.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Just kick!

Today is a getter done kinda day...so please help me to float on thru and kick some major backburner butt! Kick it, just kick!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just Follow...

The day is full of possibilities...growth, wind, air, sun, fragrance...stay still whilst you move...be strong within your sights...be led by the wind today...to your dreams...follow, just follow!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just Laugh!

Today is fabulously wonderful...full of surprise, I just know it! Today I will meet with several ladies from the lil group I got going...we are a swell group of gals...we all have hopes, dreams, and strive for more...they are balanced for the most part...I surely love the way Dawn is so...well, lets just say she has an inner strength I don't know if I could ever have...quite the same...Oftentimes I feel the instant sense of jealousy...when I am out and about in life...a learned behavior for sure..but not the best feeling in the world..she has better hair, better friends, better family...I can't stand those feelings...because truly, I am far better off than many...and have far better hair than many too...so what it all comes down to is...listen, laugh, and enjoy those whom you strive to be a bit more like...there is no room for competition..we are all here to learn from each other...and gain...and be happy for each other...in this sisterhood of ours...it is far better than hanging out with a bunch of chicks whom you don't need to be like or follow...sure, the jealous temptations aren't there..but don't we all really want to be better? Strive to...deep inside? So today, I will just sit, observe, share, take it all in...smile, and laugh...just laugh!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Just Blow...

Alot of my life, it seems...as though I have been running around "doing" for the good of the future...looking forward to what my mind was imagining for the future...putting aside what could have been special moments made...living more for what I imaged me to be in the future...and not WHAT I CAN BE TODAY...even in relationships, I often stayed with them and spent needless energy on the relationship because I was living for what I imagined we could be....and not seeing it for what it really WAS...if I had, I wouldnt have wasted sooo much time in them...as well, I have always have been interested in sooo much...so many dreams for the future...so many ideas...and, while it is no good to sit around watching your tv while your life passes you by...it isnt good to run around too heavily chasing after your dreams either...because you miss the moments that you could have had blowing dandelions and watching them float in the sun...dancing...softly in the wind...so, while I have had my past dandelion moments, the observer in me cannot help but notice that I tend to wonder back onto the straight and NARROW path again from time to time...and so, I hereby put into the Universe a prayer to help me remind myself more often to declare
"Today is the day of dandelions! Today I will blow...just blow!"

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just fly...

Please, Lord above in the midst of the galaxy and stars...please absorb my tension and fears today...new horizons are coming towards me...new ideas, flooding me...old ideas, pressing me...they are grand, they are simple, they are strong...help me to flush the excess energy and let it fly to the space above and around me and turn into beautiful butterflies...and fly, just fly...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Just Ride...

Please, God, the Creator, let me be strong within silence...let my voice be strong within whispers...allow me to have the kindest of words spill from my mouth to be sent streaming across the galaxy and into the unknown...allow them to sooth the most raging of creatures...for I know that harsh words are meant for nothing and loud mouths, excitement and cheer...remind me when I need that I can get my point across without the brow and the pointed finger...sooth me when I need soothing...and tame my savage beast within...tame it, bridle it, and ride it deep into the sunset...ride, just ride.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Just Laugh!

Whatever you do today...tickle your spouse, tickle your children, & tickle yourself...hear the laughter in your ears...feel the reverberation of the laughter within your heart...and be touched by something that has comparisons none...float, just float...

Float, just float...

Some TIMES when the traffic, the noise, the brightness, the screams, the arguing passerbys, the mount of dishes and clothes and crumbs of food on the table, the loud boom boxers in their loud aggressive cars, the tunnel of paperwork...the long tunnel of paperwork in the file box, on my desk, in my to-be-filed slot,all of it...I have a hard time remembering how to stop the headache of it all...the anxiety within my belly...deep within....relax the muscles of my shoulders, my face, my brow....and take a deep breath....(pause for breathing)....ahhhhhh!...and remind myself how we are all just mystically floating around, on a ball of dirt, water, wind, & fire made of energy...and that we, too are energy...and that nothing REALLY matters except how we all view all of this camouflage around...and how we act as the veil is slowly lifted from our eyes to SEE the truth and how hard we truly try to be the BEST we can be while we are here by just letting our hearts float, just float...