Welcome All!

This is the Mothership, my center, my haven where I come to pour on the inspiration...and I welcome you all here...This is what I call my Dream Board...within a blog..& all of my sister blogs/sites that are a part of it ...are here...they are my individual passions in life...though this Dream Board Blog is relatively new...years have gone into elements; experiencial learning, growth, mistakes, and how to "do" this box of digits! So follow me, & if I can't inspired you, someone I lead you to just may...Love Laney

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just File...

Busy,busy, busy bee...i got my home office in order today..my prayer spilled over into the work..praying as I went..to get it done...and finally..it came to a slow...moving....stop.
I am a tired version of my normally bouncy self...always so nice to kick some paperwork bootay...I especially love to throw away stuff..old papers that I don't need...clean...wipe...file...vacuum...and file some more...oh, how I love organization...at least the act of fooling myself, anyways...I have a grand filer for my grand filing ways...slow sliding, like the doctors office...holds much...so I will continue to file those stacks away..only to go thru them when I think I can...but at least it is out of the way... and out of the sight of the anxious eyes! So fool away, my friend, my Self! Fool away....and file on, just file!